Dental hygiene, fluoride. advice on nutrition

Painless surgery, local anesthesia, installation and fixing

The treatment of diseases that affect the structure of the tooth

Compensation for lost teeth through the prosthetic treatment

Welcome to “DR. VUCA” dental clinic.

We have built a long-term relationships with our customers, based on trust.

Dental clinic in Belgrade, “Dr. Vuca”, is established on 01.01. 2006. From the first day we are giving our best to satisfy our patients with our quality dental services.  We want to to make our patients happy in future as well,  because happy patient is the best reference.  With development of social networks we decided  to present our work and services so we can inform our future patients about our work.

In our dental clinic in Belgrade every first checkup and regular teeth control is free!

Dental clinic in Belgrade, “Dr. Vuca”, provides services from preventive program and patient consultation  to  every dental therapy that You need.

Pleasant children’s environment!

We are taking care for all dental needs of your family


Dental clinic in Belgrade, Dr. Vuca has designed “Children dental box”. Little patients will overcome the fear of dentists and in the same time they will get:

  • Removal of all soft layers from their teeth
  • Teeth impregnation with fluor  preparations
  • Real advice about the position of the teeth
  • Training about the right way of brushing teeth and promotional materials
  • Brush, thread and tooth paste

The price of “Children dental box” is 20e, but if you  make a reservation via our website, you will get additional 10% discount to this price.

Working hours

MONDAY 11:00-20:00
TUESDAY 11:00-20:00
WEDNESDAY 11:00-20:00
THURSDAY 11:00-20:00
FRIDAY 11:00-20:00
SATURDAY 11:00-16:00
SUNDAY Day off

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is the process of removing a variety of stains and discoloration from the tooth surface, and thus the teeth. color becomes whiter.

Smile method

Smile method for teeth whitening is used in our ordination. The method implies absolutely safe and painless procedure. System is based on the use of hydrogen peroxide in gel, which is being inflicted on the teeth. The gel itself contains flour which we know that is good for teeth. Before treatment we determine  current teeth color  of the patient, after that, patients gum are getting protected with special gel, and in the end gel is being inflicted on teeth that should be whitened. After 30-45 minutes of treatment teeth are becoming   from 2 to 4 tones brighter, which depends on many individual factors. The new ton we lost from  2 to 5 years.

Splint/trey method

In our ordination we work with American preparation Opalescence. That is a  gel which contains  contains small concentration of karambid peroxide (10-15%). Procedure is simple:  in ordination we are taking  upper and lower jaw prints  according to which we make a trey  which patient gets together with gel and takes it home. A small amount of gel should be applied to the trey  during the night.  Teeth whitening process  takes about  7 to 10 days. Effect lasts for 3 years, after  which is necessary to renew the procedure.

Laser teeth whitening

Laser teeth whitening is 30 minutes process which provides the result immediately . After laser teeth whitening you will not be able to hide your satisfaction and good mood because of your new smile! – very soon

Use the slider and compare jaw before and after whitening in our ordination

We promised them that we will take care of their smile


  • Nekoliko puta sam bio kod Dr Vuce. Radi brzo, bezbolno i uredno. Hvala na profesionalizmu i pažljivosti.
    Stefan Gutić Diplomirani pravnik
  • Prvi put sam posetio ovu ordinaciju 2008 godine. Imao sam veliki strah od zubara, međutim pristup stomatologa Miloša Vuce me je naveo da razmišljam drugačije. Od tada do danas sam redovan pacijent i iskreno vam preporučujem da posetite ordinaciju Dr Vuca i obavite redovnu kontrolu vaših zuba.
    Luka Bulatović Dipl. Informatičar
  • Želim da se zahvalim Dr Vuci na profesionalizmu, saosećajnosti sa pacijentima i strpljenju. Vaš zadovoljni pacijent napušta danas vašu ordinaciju u dobrom raspoloženju i sa osmehom na licu.
    Radiša Bošković Trgovac

Certificates and awards

Visit the dentist every six months and make a regular check-up. In our clinic check-up is free.